Sunday, September 03, 2006

Día del peatón

The difference between, say, ¨Ride your bike to work day¨ in California and today in Cochabamba? NO cars allowed at all, no public transportation. Just bikes and pedestrians and parties in the street everwhere. Super tranquilo, a bit unpractical, but kind of beautiful.

I hiked up the million stairs to Cochabamba's pride and joy, the enormous white Cristo (a la Rio de Janeiro) on top of the San Pedro hill by my house. With the altitude and an enormous homestay lunch behind me, I practically died in the process (attracting a lot of attention with my wheezing), but the view was amazing. Always helps to get some height and perspective to make a city feel manageable...

Among other news, last night I went to my first Bolivian wedding and danced national bailes with my host papá and hermana. Muy bien.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo quiero verte danzar.
Porque gira todo en torno a la estancia mientras se baila,cyndi lauper.

5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you, Kristin....Grandma

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KRISIS!! my dear,
me alegro tantisimo que hayas embarcado en este viaje a un mundo totalmente distinto a el que conocemos nosotros. crazy crazy to think about. y super fantastico. estoy muy orgullosa de ti y tu tambien deberias estar orgullosa de ti.

Por cuanto tiempo tienes pensado quedarte por alli? que tal la comida? quiero saberlo todo.
te echo muchisimo de menos, aprovecha!

ps: philadelphia is great, i really enjoy the city & all of its idiosyncraties. it needs a lot of help though, maybe i'll be able to do something about that.

7:19 AM  

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